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A technology strategy framework and strategic technology roadmap are two key weapons in a CEO’s arsenal. When you have a flexible and scalable foundation that’s rooted in the right technology, you can achieve the agility, speed, and efficiency that sets you apart from your competition and provides you with the success you need for your organization.

In this blog, you will find: 

💡 A Technology Strategy Framework and Strategic Technology Roadmap Done Right

🍕 Four Ways Domino’s Pizza Digitally Transformed to Maximize their Success

📈 Digital Transformation Starts with Having a Solid Technology Strategy

🛠️ Build Your Own Strategic Technology Roadmap

📝 Conclusion

This blog is the third blog in our mini-series. In the first blog, we talked about the CEO’s Technology Strategy Framework, including the seven elements of security, infrastructure, core business applications, departmental applications, productivity, brand experience, and data and insights. The second blog discussed the CEO’s Strategic Technology Roadmap and how this exercise provides a simple, easy-to-understand, bird’s-eye view of your technology requirements. With the Technology Roadmap, you can identify any gaps between your current technology capabilities and what technology you need to achieve growth and sustainability.

In this blog, we will give you a solid example that illustrates why both of these tools – the Technology Strategy Framework and the Strategic Technology Roadmap – are so important. And that illustration starts with pizza.

domino's pizza technology

Domino’s Success Story – A Technology Strategy Framework and Strategic Technology Roadmap Done Right

Domino’s Pizza became one of the top restaurant businesses in the world, up there with McDonald’s, Starbucks, and others. But how did a pizza company get to that point? What did Domino’s Pizza do that enabled them to get where they are from a market capitalization perspective, from a business perspective, etc.?

The answer is in the way they strategized and prioritized operations. Back in 2008, Domino’s Pizza built a roadmap – a strategic document that intentionally laid out where they wanted their business to go, how they saw their future as a company, and what it would take to achieve that future state. One of the things they decided to invest heavily in was transforming their organization into a digital hub for ordering. Just shortly after the smartphone revolution, when BlackBerry reigned supreme, Domino’s Pizza made massive technology investments to achieve its dream of digital transformation.

Four Ways Domino’s Pizza Digitally Transformed to Maximize their Success

4 ways dominos pizza digitally transformed1. Revolutionizing Online Ordering

First up, Domino’s reinvented its website, giving a new and fresh approach to ordering. This new website allowed people to create profiles and save ordering preferences, personalizing the experience of ordering pizza – a move that was well ahead of its time.

2. Tracking Orders in Real Time

Second, they created "Domino’s Tracker," a web- and app-based way for consumers to track their orders. Not only could consumers see who was fulfilling their order and when their pizza went into the oven, but they also were able to track the delivery of the pizza – technology that Uber Eats and Skip the Dishes have made readily available to anyone with a smartphone these days, but when Domino’s first created this, it was innovative, revolutionary, and first of its kind.

3. Personalized Rewards

Third, digitizing their rewards program was another way that Domino’s Pizza created a personalized buying experience for their consumers and built customer loyalty.

4. Global Expansion

Last, and this is a big part of Domino’s Pizza’s success, they went on a massive brick-and-mortar expansion – around 2,000 stores worldwide. But, the reason this was such a success was that they thought very carefully about what infrastructure and technology would be needed to go through such a rapid transformation.

Some of the considerations included whether their financial system could support numerous currencies if their supply chain software were adequate for the expansion and deciding to invest in software and tools that would support and assist supply chain requirements.

Have you read it? 

The CEO’s Technology Strategy Framework

What is a CEO’s Strategic Technology Roadmap?

5 Key Stages to Build Technology Resilience All Leaders Should Know

Digital Transformation Starts with Having a Solid Technology Strategy

Domino’s Pizza’s innovation continues to astound and amaze. From the 2015 “Pizza Car” to self-driving robots, to wedding registries of Domino’s eGift cards, repairing potholes in the United States, and more, it continues to push the boundaries of what a pizza company can do.

There’s no denying that Domino’s Pizza’s market success was based on a solid technology roadmap that was properly implemented. Putting a roadmap together and deciding what a company is capable of is the very first step to digital transformation and innovation.

With a CEO’s Strategic Technology Roadmap, CEOs like you can make smart decisions that can help you achieve the success you’re looking for. Critical for the sustainability and growth of any business, a CEO’s Strategic Technology Roadmap can help you:

🚀 Plan for growth and sustainability.

🖥️ Invest in the necessary technologies to achieve your goals.

↘️ Avoid overspending and technology redundancy.

⚙️ Efficiently manage your investment, deployment, and adoption of new technologies.

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In conclusion, Domino's Pizza's success story demonstrates the importance of a well-executed technology strategy framework and strategic technology roadmap. By embracing digital transformation and prioritizing innovation, Domino's revolutionized online ordering, introduced real-time order tracking, implemented personalized rewards programs, and strategically expanded its global presence. These transformations were guided by careful considerations of infrastructure and technology, enabling them to stay ahead of the competition and achieve market success. The example of Domino's Pizza underscores the crucial role of technology strategy in driving growth, sustainability, and competitive advantage in today's business landscape.

Build Your Own Strategic Technology Roadmap – Start with a Technology Strategy Framework!

The CEOs and executive teams that we’ve worked with have found a brainstorming session to be quite helpful and a solid step toward building their Technology Strategy Framework. We’ve designed our Technology Roadmap Lite specifically for CEOs and C-Suite executives to help you brainstorm the various elements of a Technology Strategy Framework.

Book your own Technology Roadmap Lite for CEOs today and receive a personalized Technology Strategy Framework for your organization, plus a ranking for each of the seven abovementioned elements. We’ll also provide you with a list of must-do, should-do, and could-do recommendations to help you improve your technology framework, and we’ll include suggested timelines and investment requirements for each recommendation.


By ProServeIT
May 27, 2023
ProServeIT Corporation is a Toronto-based, leading IT solutions provider with over 20 years of experience helping businesses across various industries leverage technology to drive growth, enhance efficiency, and boost productivity. The blog and articles are authored by ProServeIT’s team of seasoned experts, sharing their insights and knowledge to help businesses stay ahead in the fast-changing tech landscape.
